Sunday, April 20, 2008

Spring Fever!

This April finds me no less busy than ever. Two annual AdFed conferences are coming up, one for the 4th District (in May, Tampa) and one for National (in June, Atlanta). Fun!

In addition to those conferences and our regular programs that we're busy scheduling, GO-AdFed is about to vote in next year's Board.
I could say that I can't believe my year as President is nearly over – and in some respect that is true – but in another regard it has been a very full year already. That's a good thing! It's also a good thing that these responsibilities are passed on each year, letting the clubs evolve and hopefully continue to grow under different personalities. It will be official next week when the members vote – and in June we will officially induct the new board members.

In past news, last month I went to Tallahassee for a 4th District conference. It was our annual "Rally in Tally," where we visit the capitol and speak with our Senators and Representatives. It was a fun and educating experience for all of us. We had the opportunity to speak about how strong the advertising industry is and how we "Fuel Florida's Economy." Did you know:

•Advertising helps generate between $275 & $286 billion in Florida’s Economic Activity
•That’s approximately 20% of the state’s $1.3 trillion in total economic activity.
•Total advertising-dependent employment in Florida is over 1.2 million.

•That represents about 15% of the entire state work force.

We are indeed a force with a voice (AdFed, "The Unified Voice of Advertising"). The AdFed is always looking out for us, and it's a privilege for me to be a part of that.

Here are some pictures from the trip to Tallahassee, enjoy!

Onward and Forward,

On the bus from the hotel to the Capitol Building

The very fabulous Orlando crew: Larry Meador (AAF-Orlando President), Debbie Morris (AAF-Orlando Programs), Wagner (AAF-Orlando President Elect & Treasurer), Florida State Representative David Simmons, Barbara Hartley (AAF-Orlando Government Relations), Kristen Zucks (Ad2 Orlando President), Katrina Priore (Ad2 Orlando Public Service Chair) ... and me

Jessi finally gets a picture with a flag and with a Senator (Senator Dean, Citrus County)

We held a press release on the front steps and Eco the Butterfly showed up. Visit for more information on the public service initiative that the 4th District Advertising Federation unveiled that day.

Eco got looked over like the rest of us. No frisking though!

Touristing in the courtyard with AAF-Fort Lauderdale's President, Joe Juriga

There's always some wine at an AdFed conference! Chillin with Wagner

More from Cafe Cabernet... Jessi, Joe Juriga, Wagner, Mei Tran (Tampa Bay Ad2 President)